Custom Closet Solutions for Better Organization and Accessibility

Better Organization and Accessibility - Nailed It Builders
Last Updated: January 13th, 2024

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Feeling frustrated by your messy closet that never seems to stay organized? It’s so stressful to rummage around just to find a shirt, only to give up and wear something else! That’s why custom closet solutions are a game changer. You can finally stay in control and always find what you’re looking for by customizing and organizing your space exactly for your needs and items. In this post, we’ll break down the benefits of getting your closet customized, plus the different options available so you can choose what’s right for you.

Types of Custom Closet Solutions

Here is a detailed explanation of the types of custom closet designs you can take advantage of when remodeling your home:

Reach-In Closets

Reach-in closets are a very practical storage solution for clothes and other belongings. Unlike standard closets that have doors, reach-in closets have open fronts that allow for easy access to the entire storage space. This type of closet provides full visibility, so you don’t have to dig around to find what you’re looking for. Reach-in closets are especially useful for master bedrooms since they provide plenty of hanging and shelf space right in the bedroom.

You can customize the shelving and rod placement inside a reach-in closet to fit all your storage needs perfectly. They work well in smaller rooms where swinging closet doors might take up too much space. The open design of a reach-in closet makes it very convenient to organize your clothes and quickly choose an outfit.

Walk-In Closets

A walk-in closet is a large closet that provides enough space to step inside and easily access clothes and accessories. Unlike a standard reach-in closet, a walk-in closet allows for much better organization and utilization of the available space. Its large size allows you to customize it to meet your specific storage needs through features like adjustable shelves, drawers of varying sizes, multiple hanging rods, and custom closets and storage solutions for shoes, bags, and other accessories. This enables the closet to be arranged in a personalized manner, with different sections for different clothing types. The ample floor space also allows you to easily see everything stored and move around while selecting outfits.

Wardrobe Closets

Wardrobe closets are an integral piece of furniture for any bedroom or dressing area. They provide ample storage space for clothes, shoes, accessories, and other personal items. You can customize a well-designed wardrobe closet with various interior configurations to efficiently organize your belongings. It commonly features hanging rods for hanging shirts, trousers, and dresses. Drawers provide a perfect place to stash folded tops, bottoms, and undergarments. Deep shelves allow for stacking shoes, handbags, hats, or other accessories. Whether you require extra hanging or drawer space or divided areas for specific items, wardrobe closets are a no-brainer.

Closet Systems

Closet systems provide a customizable storage solution for any bedroom or living space. They are modular units you can configure in various ways to fit the dimensions of the closet area and meet your storage needs. You can add or remove shelves, rods, drawers, and other accessories as easily as you need them. This allows you to fully utilize your closet space and stay organized.

The modular design also means the closet system can be reconfigured down the road if storage needs changing. For example, shelves could be turned into overhead storage to accommodate taller items. You are not confined by the walls of the existing closet; you have the freedom to design the perfect closet layout tailored specifically to your belongings.

Designing Your Custom Closet

You should really think through your specific storage needs versus the space constraints when planning a custom closet for your bedroom or bathroom. Take inventory of all the items you need to store—out-of-season clothes, shoes, accessories, linens, etc. – and how regularly you need access to each. Only then can you determine the best configuration of shelves, rods, and drawers. If you’re on a budget, a professional organizer can help maximize every square inch with multipurpose and vertical storage ideas. Their expert guidance will ensure your Pinterest-worthy closet fits your lifestyle like a well-tailored blazer.

Custom Closet Solutions - Nailed It Builders


Benefits of Custom Closet Solutions

A. Improved Organization

Customized closet designs are tailored specifically for your unique storage requirements and ensure everything has its proper place. This targeted approach helps in maintaining an organized closet structure and facilitates locating desired items effectively.

B. Increased Accessibility

Custom closet solutions aim to optimize space utilization and improve the accessibility of stored items. The layouts are configured to maximize storage capacity while enabling efficient retrieval of clothes and other stored goods. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with limited mobility or those who have difficulty reaching the upper shelves. The customized designs facilitate independent living by making stored belongings easily reachable.

C. Enhanced Style

Custom closet designs allow you to tailor the storage to suit your individual tastes and complement the aesthetic of your living space. A custom solution means the closet can blend seamlessly with the overall style of your room, providing consistency and flow throughout.

D. Increased Home Value

Custom closet solutions have the potential to increase the value of your home and appeal more to prospective buyers. Installing such solutions could especially benefit you if you intend to sell your property in the future. Organized, professionally designed storage areas have been shown to give homes a polished look that catches buyers’ eyes.

Enhanced Closet Style - Nailed It Builders


Do You Need a Permit for Installing Closets in Your Bedroom or Bathroom in Campbell, CA?

For simple closet additions within existing rooms that don’t modify walls, wiring, or plumbing, a permit may not be necessary. However, any project that involves structural changes or work on electrical, gas, or plumbing systems will likely require a permit. Bathroom and bedroom closets almost always require permits due to the potential need to move drains, vents, or add electrical outlets. Even if no work is being done on existing systems, the city wants to ensure closets meet egress requirements in bedrooms. On the other hand, walk-in closets added to other living areas like family rooms typically do not need a permit unless structural walls are moved. You may apply for the permit through their online portal.

Nailed It Builders: A Trusted Name for Remodeling Your Home in Campbell, CA

If you’ve always wanted a large walk-in closet to organize your clothes and accessories but felt like your current space just wasn’t cutting it, then let Nailed It Builders make room for your dream closet through their home remodeling service in Campbell, CA. Their experienced team will evaluate your space and come up with designs tailored specifically to your needs and wishes. Whether you need some walls knocked down or simply better storage solutions installed, Nailed It Builders has the skills and expertise to transform your room into the closet of your dreams.

Final Words

Custom closet solutions provide numerous organizational, accessibility, and stylistic benefits that make them a worthwhile investment. Whether you choose a reach-in closet, walk-in closet, wardrobe closet, or modular closet system, customizing the storage space specifically for your needs and belongings ensures everything has a proper place and you can easily find what you’re looking for. A customized design will transform your closet from a stressful mess into a perfectly optimized storage area that makes getting ready each morning a breeze by taking the time to carefully consider all your storage requirements and available space constraints. Custom closets bring order and efficiency to your belongings, so you always look and feel your best.